Monday 22 November 2010

Week 1 Art

On my first drawing class we were asked to create blind drawings of our faces only by touching and feeling our face. I also did a similar thing with my hand drawing bling by touch. Although this exercise was only a warm up it loosened my drawing up. Therefore my next drawings became for free and less fractured. This warm up was quite challenging at first as I had never done anything like this before, i was quite happy with the final outcome although my drawings looked like it had been completed by a young child.

This style of drawing very much reminded me of Fauvism art with its flattened perceptive and simple detailed areas. Such as Henri Matisse The Sadness of the King.

After loosen up we then did some loose drawings of our hands concentrating on the line and shape rather than creating a lifelike image. I  did many of these experimenting with many different medias, got rather excited by it all, I moved onto my feet too!!