Wednesday 19 January 2011

Week 2: Painting

Today was my second day of painting. To be honest I had not enjoyed the last painting lesson so much, therefore was not looking forward to this lesson very much. However I came to be suprised. I started the day by exploring the different types of paint in my book. Such as the retardant, this didn't effect the paints look. But slowed down the drying process which abled me to work into the paint and explore its properties. I also used opaque paint by mixing it with the paint and placing it on top and underneath different coloured paint. I liked the shinny glaze it added to the paint. I also explored matt paint, I found this really dulled down the image and give it quite pastel look.  Lastly my favourite type of paint of the texture painted. I mixed it with many colours. I used it to thicken paint and add a different dimensions to my image. I also had fun making the paint into little peeks on my page. Almost reminding me of a mini little landscape crawling across my page. Overall I had really enjoyed experimenting with paint. I found it really inspired me for the rest of the session.

This was another experimental piece.. using red paint I slightly mixed it with a glaze to add a shine to image. I also added the retardant to the paint. This slowed down the drying process of the paint, which abled me to work an image into it. I really like this image. It works well with the contrasting blue of the graph paper. The carved out drawing adds real interest the painting, with a slight glaze just finished the painting off.

This was my final outcome of the day. Using a mixture of paints (opaque and texture) in different tones of orange and yellow. This added more dimensions to painting and lots interest. It has created quite a interesting background for my painting. Looking back I think I should of toned down the background slightly, as it is quite overpowering. I used blue and red paint to paint onto of my adventuous background. The painting was of a previous blind drawing drawn in the pervious week. I wasn't to pleased with the painting. It looked quite exciting to look at but sections didn't look quite right. However when carrying the painting home, many passers by commented on it. One even said "wouldn't look out of place in the Tate Modern". What a nice man?! 

While painting the pictures, I couldn't help be reminded of the work of Jackson Pollock. With the layers of paint carefully placed upon each other. However the meaning and process of his paintings and mine couldn't differ more. 

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