Saturday 9 April 2011

Week 1: Sculpture

Today was my first sculpture, a few weeks ago in one of the lectures I had been really inspired by Robert Indiana and his LOVE sculpture, I love the idea of creating text into a visual sculpture. I really the scale of this sculptures, how a simple object word or quote can create such a bold, exciting and inspiring piece of art. 

 I was really excited to start a project with an idea that had been bouncing round my head for ages. Seeing all the materials and around and learning what they could do was so inspiration.  Using this idea I created my own "LOVE" out of clay in which I placed in the vacuum mould which created a plastic mould of clay letters. 

This is my vacuumed "LOVE" it was great fun doing this however there was not a big enough gab between lines within the "E" resulting in the plastic not being able to fit in between some of the gabs. After scoping my clay out of the mould, I mixed together a mixture of water and cement to pour into the mould to set. I cant wait till next week to see how my sculpture has turned out.

This week I have also done some research into sculpture to help with my project, I was really inspired by the work of Jack Pierson, he uses old shop letters to create new sculptural words.

I really like the use of colour within his work even thought his medium are not bought, only found it still fits together well. He has really considered the use of shape, colour and composition of the letters placed within sculpture.  Also the use of the wording seems to be really important within Pierson's work he has taken into consideration the look of the individual letter. As seen in Fame the letters are lit up with a fancy modern twist to the overall piece much like the word being shown.

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