Saturday 9 April 2011

Week 4: Print

I didn't get to make it to print this week as I had to go home for a funeral. Therefore I decided to do some printing at home, as I didn't have many resources available to me I went back to the basics of printing potato printing. Using a spoon I carved out my a thistle shape into two potatoes.

Even though this has slightly differed from the brief I really like the effect I have created, I stamped the two colours on top of each other to create a bold looking pattern this work has very much reminded me of the work of Rob Indiana.

Indiana's work looks eye catching and often consists of bold, simple, iconic images, especially numbers and short words like EAT, HUG, and, his best known example, LOVE. I really like the way he has used simple serif text to create a really exciting piece of art, this has made me really want to try and print some text similar to this. Using this idea I tried to create own image using different text on photoshop. Now I really want to try printing some of  my own.

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