Saturday 9 April 2011

Week 2: Printing

I came into this lesson once again really excited about printing I had already etched out my design into my metal plate, I was still working with a nature theme, over the week I had research and sketched many thistles and plants to which I wanted to print.

Using my favourite image I printed it using the same technique as last week however I found my prints last week to be quite heavy with a lot of ink creating quite dark area in place I didn't want. Therefore this week I wiped my metal quite dry to get more lighter and less and contrasting print. 
With the same technique as last week I printed my etched out design however I was really disappointed with the results, the print came out really faint, this was a result of over rubbing the plate and also I found I had not carved deep enough into my metal plate, even thought this was really disappointing I couldn't wait to try out another print.

Once I had worked into the metal plate a lot more, I found I had printed a much more interesting and defined print I had used my knowledge of the last few prints to establish what areas to rub and which area to leave to create a more high contrast and bold looking print. Overall I am really pleased with the final out come.

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